The River is Dark

Disclaimer: This ARC was given to me for free in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley. Some minor spoilers in this review.

Rating: ★★★½

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This was a quick read, once I really started to read it. I finished it within two hours, so if you have an afternoon to read (think rainy or snowy, with hot beverage of choice) this would be perfect.

There was a love story, but it was mostly insta-love, though they apparently knew each other before in backstory. I didn’t really get a feel for their romance, and it felt forced, but I didn’t really focus on it. I was more focused on the murder mystery. There is enough action to focus on, instead of the forced pairing.

I didn’t mind the main character, he was flawed, but not completely to the point of unlikeable.

The actual storyline verged on unrealistic, but I was able to suspend my disbelief while reading.

I actually felt bad for Peter. I mean, it’s not his fault what his parents did to him, and how he was raised afterwards. I can picture a life where he had proper medical care and actually raised properly I think he would have been okay. To not get into a nature vs nurture debate, I think both nature and nurture influence a person (to simplify it).

There wasn’t much substance or depth to this novel, but it didn’t need it, and it was just a fun read, and nothing too serious. At least for me.

Property Of

Rating: ★★★

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Approximate Published Date: 9/23/14

Recommended For: Those who want a trashy good time

Disclaimer: This book was sent through Netgalley for free, in exchange for an honest review.

This book was not like any of her novels that came after. So your mileage may vary.

I mean it was a trashy-in-a-good-way pulpy vintage novel that I found entertaining and amusing. It was a good mental vacation with the various things that have been going on in real life. It read like a more grown-up version of the outsiders. This is a good thing.

The Princess Bride

Rating: ★★★½

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I read this book with a mixed heart.

I loved “Morgenstern’s” parts of the novel- witty and snarky, I was laughing a lot and quoting choice parts to my family.

What detracted from the enjoyment was Goldman’s comments in the first 35 pages and I didn’t even read “Buttercup’s Baby” segment. The misogyny, fat-shaming, and one homophobic comment (fearing that his son will turn into a pouf) was really grating to read- I had so much second hand embarrassment, that it was kind of amusing how bitter he sounded.

I hate to pick which was better, the movie had a lot of Goldman’s commentary out of it (the first 35! pages), which was a good choice, but you had more back-story in the book. I guess that will have to be your choice, fellow fans. 😀


Rating: ★★★★  

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Read: 8/22/14

Recommended For: Adventure Time Fans?

This took some getting into. At first I thought this was a bit too juvenile for me, but I pushed through the first couple of chapters, and it was worth it. It was a cartoonishly funny yet dark. It was almost like watching an episode of Adventure Time but much darker (IMHO). I will definitely be reading the next book in the series.

Shy Girl

Rating: ★★★★★

Book Read: 8/25/14

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Recommended For: Those who want F/F with angst and hot sex.

While this was not erotica, it gets pretty damn close to it. It was pretty hot in the heavily implied sex scenes. It was just yum.

The writing was on point, the plot was dark and angst-filled but done the way I like it. I think every queer* girl has dated or been with a girl like Shy. I have. LOL

Alta is my fantasy of butch women come to life. Just *drools*

UNF! and it was really hard to find a decent butch picture on google. I need to find my stash of hot butch pictures.

I love how this is a femme/butch dynamic story, so I can get the best of both worlds here. LOL

Basically want angst and hot sex and have it well-written? Read this book.

Sinner (The Wayfarer Redemption #4)

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★

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Date Read: 6/22/14

I really liked this.

Yes, it will make you hate (or seriously dislike) Axis, Azhure, and Caelum.

While some people would think these next three books weren’t necessary, but they were IMHO. There were a lot of foreshadowing in the first three books, that have led to events in the last three books in the series.

I love how Faraday returns to kick even more ass, and has turned into a BAMF Queen.

I love how Drago has depth to his character, and I am, by the end of this book rooting for him to be the hero.

Zenith is a new, awesome, and interesting character.

Stardrifter has really grown as a character.

There were some problematic things in the book, but were eventually resolved and dealt with in a positive way.

A Secret Kept


Rating: 3.5?  ★★★

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Date Read: 7/24/14

I still don’t know how I feel. There were things I loved about the book but things I loathed as well.

Edit: I decided to rate this a solid 3 stars.

This review contains major spoilers!

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Twilight (Twilight #1)

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Recommended For: Masochists, and not the fun kind

Rating: ★½

Read Count: 2

Last Read: 4/5/2014

Thank you Sarah for the picture. 😀

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